• I can't log in OR I don't know my account information

    First, click "Forgot Password".

    If you do NOT receive the password reset email, this means your account is under a DIFFERENT email address OR you do not have an account.

    Do NOT click to create a new account.

    If you're sure you are logging in with the correct email and you recently enrolled, there may have been a mistyped letter in your email.

    If you need help determining your account information or getting access, contact us at https://transformationacademy.com/connect/

  • I don't have an account OR ended up here in error.

    If you do NOT have an account on TransformationAcademy.com, do not click to create one here. To enroll in a course, click Course Catalog in the menu above.

    Did you enroll in your course on a different website? If so, you need to log in THERE to take your course.

    If you are trying to request a certificate or need other help, please contact us at https://transformationacademy.com/connect/